Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Previous finds

 Just because we like to keep a track of all the food we find, I'm going to dedicate this post to all of our finds previous to this blog. This will be a pretty big post so bear with me guys! I promise this won't happen again!

Our very first night diving we found
 40 pears, 3 melons, and 2 containers of grape tomatoes. There was actually a giant container of these pears but since it was our first night we were pretty unprepared and only had one backpack and 2 bags with us. We grabbed as many as we could but this definitely wasn't even half! The melons and grape tomatoes were conveniently sitting on top of the massive pear container waiting for us to pick them. Surprisingly, the melons weren't even ripe!

The next time we go diving we don't find as much. We brought home 2 heads of cauliflower, 3 eggplants, 1 green bell pepper, and 1 package of sweet bell peppers.


This was one of our best nights yet! Sam's childhood friend Shannon comes over for a couple of days and we wanted to show her how fun dumpster diving is. We like to start our dive super early in the morning (around 1) so naturally everybody knocks out on the couch. 

1:30 hits, David wakes up, and we attempt to wake everybody else but Sam, George, and Shannon are grumpy and reluctant to go. We finally head out on the prowl but I'm super worried that we won't find anything. If we come home empty handed not only will it suck for us because we're losing sleep and don't get any food, but we would be completely wasting Shannon's time and she'd probably go home thinking how lame we are for doing this. Ok, maybe she wouldn't have thought we are lame but it still would suck. 

Anyways, we go to our usual dumpster and find the treasure to beat all treasures!! We fill 3 garbage bags full of bananas and exactly 1 tomato! If anybody knows anything about me, I FREAKING love bananas! You guys wouldn't believe it either by the picture but all of the bananas weren't even ripe! they were mostly just bruised up, which is why they have all those black spots. When we got home we counted exactly 55 bunches of bananas

After freezing all the bananas we finally have some counter space for more food so we head back out to our local dumpster. This time we find 12 boxes of strawberries, 8 more bunches of bananas, 6 bags of grapes, 7 onions, 1 cucumber, 4 bell peppers, 1 grapefruit, 1 orange, 2 pears, and 2 organic zuchinnis!
David and I stayed up late washing all of the food but it was well worth the lack of sleep. Now I have a freezer full of bananas and strawberries for my daily smoothie! Yes!


82 apples, 30 green onions, 18 radishes, 6 more bags of grapes, 1 box of organic strawberries, 1 package of basil, 3 containers of mint, a bag of mini sweet peppers, 7 green peppers, 4 giant bunches of cilantro, 5 bunches of romaine lettuce, 1 head of broccoli, 1 onion, 3 limes, 22 tomatoes, and 2 bunches of celery. 

This find was really awesome because all of the greens were organic! I'm finally putting my juicer to use as well with all of the apples we scored.


3 ears of corn, 7 green bell peppers, 3 more tomatoes, 1 yellow pepper, 1 clementine, 1 orange, 1 red bell pepper, 16 more apples, and another box of strawberries.

We invited our landlords over for dinner and grilled up some of the corn we had found in the trash. My piece was really dry and I was desperately hoping that they got a decent piece. After they had left George tasted their left over corn (or maybe he just really wanted more corn?) and it turned out that theirs was super dry too. Hopefully we don't receive and eviction notice in the mail...

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